New Kingdom Egypt

New Kingdom Egypt (16th to 11th century BCE) saw the development of the "warrior pharaoh" image, the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, and the flourishing of the Amun Re cult. After Ahmose I expelled the Hyksos from Lower Egypt, a policy of empire building began, reaching its greatest height during the reign of Thutmose III. During this time, the Amun Re cult became the state religion, and pharaohs went to war "at the command of Amun", building temples and monuments to the God. As well, the controversial female, Hatshepsut, became pharaoh. Akhenaten overturned Egypt's entire religious system by declaring Aten as the only god during what is called the Amarna Revolution. By the time of the Ramesside Period, religious order and stability had been restored, with Ramesses II ruling Egypt for sixty-five years. The New Kingdom lasted over 500 years, including three dynasties, and is described as the "golden age" in the history of this ancient land. This programme was filmed on location in 2010.
